This is a message urging each and everyone of us to check on our friends.
It very sad when one of our own takes their own life and common words
you might hear are, “he/she was my good friend,” “we were with him/her
just the other day or a couple of hours ago,” but did we notice anything
unusual during the whole time?
The drive to creating this artwork was to urge us all spend genuine time
with our friends, listen to each other in a very deep way and understand
each other because there are the small details that matter and which are
sometimes not communicated. Lets us try listen and understand our
friends problem and offer a solution instead of making fun or criticizing.
Ask yourself this questions,
How well do I know my friend? Do I spend quality time with them and
have those conversations that deep inside inspire each other positively?
Do I look them deep in the eye and know when they are suffering or
hiding something?